API Design
Error responses are always JSON-encoded, regardless of
the request’s Content-Type, with a corresponding
Content-Type: application/json
header. This ensures that
the errors are human-readable in any setting.
Errors are a JSON object with the keys:
- code: One of the error codes as a string.
- msg: A human-readable message describing the error as a string.
- meta: (optional) An object with string values holding arbitrary additional metadata describing the error.
Example with metadata:
Error Code | HTTP Status | Description |
canceled | 408 | The operation was canceled, typically by the client. |
unknown | 500 | An unknown error occurred, often used for unclassified or unexpected errors. |
invalid_argument | 400 | The client specified an invalid argument, indicating an error like a malformed file name or a number out of range. |
malformed | 400 | The client sent a malformed message, which could not be decoded due to improper encoding or incompatible message definitions. |
deadline_exceeded | 408 | The operation expired before completion. This may occur even if the operation has technically completed successfully, but the response was delayed. |
not_found | 404 | The requested entity was not found. |
bad_route | 404 | The requested URL path is not routable to a Celestra service and method. |
already_exists | 409 | An attempt to create an entity failed because it already exists. |
permission_denied | 403 | The caller lacks permission for the operation. Not to be used when the caller’s identity is unknown. |
unauthenticated | 401 | The request lacks valid authentication credentials for the operation. |
resource_exhausted | 429 | A resource has been exhausted or rate-limited, such as a per-user quota. |
failed_precondition | 412 | The operation was rejected due to the system not being in a required state. |
aborted | 409 | The operation was aborted due to concurrency issues like transaction aborts or sequencer check failures. |
out_of_range | 400 | The operation was attempted outside the valid range, like reading past the end of a collection. |
unimplemented | 501 | The operation is not implemented or not supported/enabled in this service. |
internal | 500 | Internal server error when invariants expected by the system were broken. |
unavailable | 503 | The service is currently unavailable, usually a transient condition. |
dataloss | 500 | The operation resulted in unrecoverable data loss or corruption. |
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